The Hong Kong Buddhist Association Principal Ho Moon Tim Memorial Scholarships


Mr. Ho Moon Tim was the fifth principal of Buddhist Sin Tak College (BSTC).  He had served BSTC for 16 years since 2003.  Sorrowfully, he passed away on 16th December 2019 at the age of 58.  It was a great loss to BSTC and the whole educational field.  His belief and passion for life, together with his whole-hearted devotion to education, inspired a lot of students, parents, colleagues and other educators.  After his death, his wife Mrs. Ho Tse Shuk Man and the Hong Kong Buddhist Association generously pledged a donation of HK$60,000 and HK$100,000 respectively to the school for the foundation of The Hong Kong Buddhist Association Principal Ho Moon Tim Memorial Scholarships.


Objectives 宗旨

To motivate students to excel in their studies



Criteria 獲獎資格

Students with outstanding academic results



Administration 管理

Incorporated Management Committee of Buddhist Sin Tak College








Donation method 捐贈方法

To sustain the scholarship, our school welcomes donations from the public.  Interested people may make a single donation:

  1. by cheque:
    Please mail the completed donation form together with a crossed cheque (Payable to "The Incorporated Management Committee of Buddhist Sin Tak College") to Buddhist Sin Tak College, 5 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong SAR. 
  2. by bank transfer:
    Please make a deposit to our school bank account and mail the completed donation form together with the pay-in record to us.
    ●        Bank name:             Hang Seng Bank
    ●        Account name:        The Incorporated Management Committee of
                                               Buddhist Sin Tak College
    ●        Account number:    288-033780-002
  3. by cash
    Please visit our school to make the donation.




        ●      入賬銀行:恒生銀行
        ●      戶口名稱:佛教善德英文中學法團校董會
        ●      戶口號碼:288-033780-002


佛教善德英文中學 Buddhist Sin Tak College
地址: 新界葵涌興盛路5號
Address: 5 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., HK
電話(Tel): 24212580
傳真(Fax): 24940104
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