More than 5,000 students have graduated from Buddhist Sin Tak College since its establishment in 1973. A number of alumni have strong ties and interaction with the School.  BSTCAA will continue to be involved in different school activities, organised by the Careers Committee, the PE Department and the Guidance Department.




Notice of Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual general meeting of members of Buddhist Sin Tak College Alumni Association will be held at the Buddhist Sin Tak College in Room 205, 2/F., No. 5, Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong on Saturday 17 August 2024 at 10:30 am. Members are invited to join.

School Management

An Alumni Manager will be elected among the members every two years. The elected Manager will represent the association to sit on the School Management Committee.


Scholarship Presentation

Several scholarships have been established since the 2000s, intended to encourage students who have demonstrated their aspirations for academic excellence and commitments to extra-curricular activity and community services.


Mentorship Programme

The mentorship programme is established to create a supportive mentoring relationship between alumni and students and facilitate students’educational, social and personal growth.


Alumni Talks

Alumni are keen on interaction with the School in the form of talks and gatherings. Different careers talks and occupational planning activities are hosted by our distinguished alumni guests.


Alumni Careers Expos

To inspire our prospective students on their future career choices, alumni are invited back to the school and host the annual alumni careers expo.


From time to time, alumni come back to the school and mingle with the teachers and staff. They maintain a strong bond and connections with the school through various events. 

Anniversary Parties

Every five years, the school organises anniversary parties and reunion dinners to celebrate its achievements and milestones. Anniversary parties are also important occasions to connect the alumni and current students.



Alumni Sports Competitions

Friendly sports competitions are regularly hosted to strengthen the connection between alumni, current students and teachers.

Alumni Coaching and Tutoring

Coaching and tutoring programs are held to upskill the current students.

View our Alumni Private Tutors here.

佛教善德英文中學 Buddhist Sin Tak College
地址: 新界葵涌興盛路5號
Address: 5 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., HK
電話(Tel): 24212580
傳真(Fax): 24940104
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