There are 30 clubs encouraging students' participation in diversified activities for the development of their potential and leadership.Clubs are divided into various types, including academic, skills-formation, sports, outing, aesthetic and service groups.

A Art Club H History Club
  Astronomy Club   Home Economics Club
  Athletics Club   Hong Kong Award For Young People
B Buddhist Youth Club J Junior Police Call
C Chess Club K Karate
  Chinese and Chinese History L Liberal Studies
  Community Youth Club M Mathematics
  Computer Club   Music Club
E Economics and Finance Club P Photography Club
  English Club R Red Cross
  English Drama Club S Scout
  Environmental Protection   Speech and Debating Club
G Gardening Club   Speedcubing Club
  Geography Club   Stem
  Girl Guide T Transport Society


佛教善德英文中學 Buddhist Sin Tak College
地址: 新界葵涌興盛路5號
Address: 5 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., HK
電話(Tel): 24212580
傳真(Fax): 24940104
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