The aim of English Funtastic Fridays are to encourage S.1 students to participate in English activities related to various subject areas in an interactive learning environment.


Ms. Ho’s Healthy Eating Yogurt Making Class

On 12th December, 1C students learnt about healthy eating. They were quizzed on the calories of different types of fruit. Students made their own delicious Yogurt Fruit cups with an array of nutritious ingredients – homemade toasted muesli, banana, kiwi, blackberry, strawberry and low-fat natural yogurt. The best part was they got to taste their creation right away!




Mr. Faan’s Bubble Making Session

On 2nd December, 2016, 1B class learnt about properties of water and water tension by selected 4A Science students in the SAC. After, students were escorted to the playground to experiment with making bubbles. All students had a great time and were able to learn from this hands-on experience.





佛教善德英文中學 Buddhist Sin Tak College
地址: 新界葵涌興盛路5號
Address: 5 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., HK
電話(Tel): 24212580
傳真(Fax): 24940104
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