The Athletics Club plays a key role in encouraging schoolmates to play sports. Through games in teams, for instance, we can learn to become better team.

Our aim is to introduce different kinds of sports activities to members. Different courses and competitions are organized to help our members familiarize themselves with game rules. Thus, we are striving to fufill our members' interests and expectations in sports.

Our activities include:

  • 3 on 3 interclass basketball competition
  • Interclass football competition
  • Table tennis competition
  • Joint club barbeque gathering
  • Bowling


Committee 2010-2011


Club Advisors Mr. C.M.Luk, Ms. W.C.Lee
Chairperson 6S Law Yip Huen
Vice-chairpersions 6S Li Yeung Yin
  6A Lo Chi Pang
Hon. Treasurers 6S Ho Wing Tung Jennifer
  6S Chau Wan Chin
Hon. Secretary 6S Tsoi Lai Yan
Other Committee Members 5D Chan Kai Pong
  5D Wong Tin Hin
佛教善德英文中學 Buddhist Sin Tak College
地址: 新界葵涌興盛路5號
Address: 5 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., HK
電話(Tel): 24212580
傳真(Fax): 24940104
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