Alumni Reunion Dinner

Thanks to your overwhelming response, we have reached our target number of tickets. Therefore, new ticket orders will be placed on a waiting list. We will notify you as soon as possible once we confirm the availability of additional seats. Please wait for the Alumni Association’s notification by email BEFORE proceeding with any payment.


佛教善德英文中學校友會「佛教善德英文中學 50 周年金禧校慶校友聚餐」 

1973 年成立的佛教善德英文中學即將踏入 50 周年,為慶祝金禧校慶,校友會將於 2023 年 12 月舉行校友聚餐。本會誠意邀請各位校友參與,藉此機會與母校新舊師生校友團聚一堂,重新聯繫,體現「連結、凝聚、同心」精神,一起回顧母校光輝歷史,展望未來願景。聚餐詳情請參閱以下海報,訂購表見連結。

Dear BSTC alumni,

Stepping into our School's 50th Anniversary this year, we are in awe of how time has passed. The past five decades have witnessed countless memorable connections and the beautiful growth of young spirits. The years of studies in BSTC marked an important and precious milestone in our lives and sowed seeds of possibilities for our future.
In honor of such a special occasion, the Alumni Association cordially invites you and your classmates to the Reunion Dinner on 15 December 2023 to celebrate the school's 50th Anniversary.
We appeal for your kind offer of sponsorship for the dinner production. We will use proceeds from the dinner to establish the "BSTC Alumni Association Scholarship" (the objective is subject to the School's recommendation) with our alma mater to make the best use of the funds and subsidize the operation of the Alumni Association.
Please fill out the form and return it as instructed.
We look forward to your participation and support.
With warmest regards,
Dr. Daisy Chow ('90 F7)
BSTC Alumni Association

Dinner Sponsorship and Ticket Sale
Click here for the google form
or here for the pdf form