Chinese Culture Day2025-01-24 (Friday)On January 24th (Friday), the National Security Education Team of our school organized a Chinese Culture Day. The day was filled with rich programmes, featuring a theatrical performance themed around "Along the River During the Qingming Festival," as well as a melodious music concert by the Chinese orchestra and the Western orchestra. The lion dance and dragon dance teams' performances were breathtaking. The SK Hall was transformed into an ancient market, where students dressed in traditional Chinese costumes strolled around, experiencing the ancient charm.
Additionally, there were game booths set up on the playground, including bamboo weaving, knot tying, Lu Ban Lock puzzles, ring toss, and maltose cookie making. Twelve senior students portrayed characters from the book "Lost in The World 'Along the River During the Qingming Festival'", wandering through the market. Junior students who read the book and collected signatures of the ancient characters could receive exquisite gifts, sparking enthusiastic responses among the students.
Furthermore, to help students understand the country's development, our school supported the Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao Media Group in hosting the "Great Achievements - Brilliant Achievements of the 75th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China" exhibition on campus. The principal and parents took commemorative photos together to mark the glorious moments of national development.